Home Entertainment Singer Nonini Withdraws His Membership From MCSK Under Unclear Circumstances

Singer Nonini Withdraws His Membership From MCSK Under Unclear Circumstances

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Popular Kenyan secular singer known as Nonini has withdrawn his membership from the Music Copyright Society of Kenya a year after the controversial Kenyan artist joined the society. In a post on Instagram, Nonini described the move as bold, arguing that he was not ready to stay yet nothing of importance was happening. He wrote, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Moving on to something that actually works.”

The musician shared a document that indeed proved his withdrawal. The statement read, “we refer to the above and to your notice of membership termination dated, 17th February 2021. Please note that your membership at the Music Copyright Society of Kenya has been terminated effective 18th, May 2022 as per article 9 of Articles of Association at MCSK. We wish you all the best in your endeavours.” MCSK led by Ezekiel Mutua has recently announced that it will work tirelessly to ensure that the lost glory of musicians in Kenya is restored.

It shall be recalled that Nonini was and still is one of the most sought-after musicians in Kenya. However, in the recent past, he has not been consistent in releasing Music, and this could be one of the reasons why he has been reluctant.

Well, the main goal has been to get much out of Music in Kenya, but according to musicians like Nonini, the Copyright board has not been doing much in reducing piracy cases. What do you think about this story? Share your insights on the comment section.

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