Home Entertainment Njambi’s Baby Daddy Breaks Silence After Allegations Of Being Abusive Were Laid Against Him

Njambi’s Baby Daddy Breaks Silence After Allegations Of Being Abusive Were Laid Against Him

by Mwende
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On Sunday, Njambi of, the real house helps of Kawangware, broke her silence about her baby daddy being violent and abusive. In an article we posted for you, Njambi had told her fans that her baby daddy had been beating her up and being respectful to her.

As per Njambi, as much as the guy provided for the family, he used to be so disrespectful and physically harmed her. The actress added that her ex-hubby was so narcissistic that he would want to monitor everything she was doing, blocking the male friends on her phone.

Now, although the story given by Njambi may have destroyed her ex-hubby’s public figure, Nelson decided to give his side of the story. His story seemed slightly different from what the actress may have said to the public.

As per a post that Nelson Njemwa made after the allegations, he seemed to be innocent. He said through the post that as much as you try to be good to someone you love, they will eventually find something to make you feel unappreciated.

As much as the guy didn’t talk about his breakup with Njambi, it is pretty open that he was trying to give his side of the story through the following post on his insta stories.

“ Sometimes, no matter how nice you are, how kind you are, how caring you are, how loving you are, it just isn’t enough for some people,” Nelson’s post read.

Anyway, as we all know, it is tough to solve a problem between two people in love. We wish them well as they plan the next thing to do with their love life.

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