Home Politics Junet Leaks Details On how Ruto Tried Using Raila To Impeach Uhuru

Junet Leaks Details On how Ruto Tried Using Raila To Impeach Uhuru

Junet Mohamed says DP Ruto once made a deal to impeach Uhuru using Raila but it failed

by Mambo Mseto Editor
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Following the 2017 general elections, Deputy President William Ruto reportedly made an effort to reach a deal with ODM party leader Raila Odinga, according to Suna East MP Junet Mohamed. Then, Raila was still Uhuru’s nemesis, whom he blamed for forcing him out of the race using illegal tactics. Junet is now claiming that Ruto also despised the President and tried to use their previous standing with Raila against them.

According to the legislator, Ruto tried to reach an agreement with Raila to have the President sent home. Ruto allegedly contacted Raila to assist him in making this plan. Junet reveals that Ruto was aiming at taking advantage of  Raila’s earlier beef with Uhuru to rally his troops and lay a strategy to bring down Uhuru Kenyatta.

We said in 2017 following the overall political race that the principal plan in parliament was to denounce Uhuru Kenyatta. Ruto had requested that we impugn Uhuru, saying he is definitely not a decent individual. This is the explanation Uhuru gave to Raila to have a handshake,” said Junnet Mohamed.

Junet Mohamed further said that Ruto should not fault Raila for his strained relationship with the President. He said that DP Ruto has been talking badly about Uhuru behind the scenes. During his rallies, DP Ruto has likewise been faulting the handshake for the ongoing difficulties in the nation, saying that it is after Uhuru sidelined him that the economy fell.

Junet said DP Ruto’s plans to overthrow Raila started a long time ago when he developed greed for the top seat and started planning on how he could easily overthrow him. He asked the people of Nyanza to avoid such a corrupt leader because he will end up making people suffer.

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