Home Entertainment “Nilikuwachia Jimal Akakushinda Kulinda,” Amber Ray Hits Back At Amira

“Nilikuwachia Jimal Akakushinda Kulinda,” Amber Ray Hits Back At Amira

Amber Ray's response comes after Amira threatened her for enticing her son for a photo

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Kenyan socialite dubbed Amber Ray has clapped back at Amira for what she termed as cooked up lies meant to tarnish her name. Amira had earlier claimed that Ambee Ray had consistently asked Amira’s son to take a photo with him, which he declined and reported the matter to her mum, Amira.

However, according to Amber Ray, she didn’t ask for a photo from Amira’s son, adding that it was of no importance to her. Answering to the allegations that Amira left Jimal for her, Amber Ray stated that Amira should come out clean on the matter, adding that she is aware that Jimal stays with her in the same house, but still cheats on her with another woman.

The socialite bashed Amira, claiming that she has tried to shape her body to keep Jimal but to no avail. Amber stated that she is the one who left Jimal for Amira and not vice versa.

Amber Ray wrote,

“The way you all desperate for fame really sickens me. Yaani for someone to be relevant in this kenya lazima you mention my name. Sio conmen, sio wazimu wengine ati I wanted to take pics with your son for who, for what? I’m shocked that your kids can lie that much but again they have your blood. Ati uliniwachia Jimal.”

Amber Ray also advised Amira to speak the truth, arguing that she is aware that Jimal and her stay in the same house. She wrote,

“When will you ever stop lying to world. You guys still live in the same house and he is still seeing another woman on the side and you are okay with that. Aki pesa wewe! Ati marriage oh tumetoka mbali. Anyway, the bottom line is I left him for you and still you couldn’t have him. Please next time you want to be relevant, give me a call (1 know you still have my number. If not, ask your husband to give you my number). I can post you as an ad on my page.”

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