Home Politics Nairobi Governor Hopeful Onboards Property Owners In City Cleanliness Plan

Nairobi Governor Hopeful Onboards Property Owners In City Cleanliness Plan

Nairobi people have a reason to smile as Nairobi hopeful governor slaps them with a pleasant surprise

by Mambo Mseto Editor
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Rush to fix the 2022 government has gained wild momentum as fresh details emerge on daily basis. A lot is happening across the country where hopeful aspirants are really pushing to see their Vision come true. This is for the good of the nation as they continue making major promises inciting people to develop confidence in them. Nairobi has continued becoming more competitive as several leaders have through themselves in the battle ring to grab various posts.

File photo of Agnes Kagure

As we speak, one of the Nairobi aspiring governors, Agnes Kagure has just made a major promise which really aims at solving the issues affecting the residents. This ranges from a bad environment among several other things. Speaking via her social media platforms, she made a promise to make Nairobi green and take them back to the old green days.

“Property landlords and their respective caretakers have a big role to play in facilitating the success of our ‘Ng’arisha Nairobi’ program that will kick off in earnest in August. Through a close working relationship with them and our ward administrators as well as local youth groups, we’ll be able to set up functional waste disposal points in our estates and have clearly defined days and teams for pick up and disposal, as well as keeping a record of the same, ” said Agnes Kagure.

Agnes Kagure

Agnes Kagure at her Nairobi office

“Recreating a clean and green Nairobi is a collective effort, and I’m happy to receive their assurance of support to make this happen. Nairobi ing’are!, ” She added.

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This is among the major moves to completely change Nairobi and acquire a new face that will be pleasing and cool to human sight and a safe environment to be in.


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