Home Politics Meru Governor Shocks Kenyans After Handing Her Husband 2 Lucrative County Jobs

Meru Governor Shocks Kenyans After Handing Her Husband 2 Lucrative County Jobs

by KDB
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Kawira stated during the unveiling of her cabinet that Murega’s position will not be paid or compensated, but instead be more of a volunteer role in the county.

“This office will not have a salary, neither will it have allowances. This office will be held by the first gentleman of the county,” Kawira said.

Murega, who is also the founder of Baite TV, was also given the role of ‘ambassador of Meru Hustlers’.

The appointed team is subject to vetting by the Meru County Government.

Musician husband

Following her election, Kawira ascribed 50% of her victory to a “magical guitar” played in campaign rallies by her musician spouse. Kawira, who defeated seasoned politicians Kiraitu Murungi and Mithika Linturi, credited her victory to her husband Murega Baichu’s guitar talents.

“My husband’s guitar is magical and amazing. He always carried it and played it to the people in every rally and meetings I held. People loved to watch and listen to his music he played praising me and the people of Meru.  I can say 50 per cent of my win was contributed by the instrument,” Kawira said.

Kawira received 209,148 votes, while senator Mithika Linturi got 183,858 votes and Kiraitu garnered 110,814 votes.


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