Home Politics Shock As Kalonzo Declares War On Ruto

Shock As Kalonzo Declares War On Ruto

by KDB
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Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka now says that he would consider teaming up with President William Ruto is he can fulfill his conditions.

At the moment, Kalonzo is an opposition figure and the third in command in the Azimio La Umoja coalition, which lost to Ruto in August.

He now says if Ruto can complete the development projects initiated in his Kamba backyard, mostly dams, he can rally his people behind his government.

The former Vice President has said that he will only work with Ruto of the Head of State initiates programs that can benefit his people of Ukambani.

“There is also the High Grand Falls Dam proposed along River Tana and we have said we will work with Ruto’s government so that our people can benefit from it through irrigation so that we stop overreliance on rain-fed agriculture,” he is quoted by The Standard.

He has added that until that happens, he remains in the opposition and is ready to help the opposition leadership with its work of keeping Ruto in check.

Kalonzo, who has since hinted at facing off with Ruto in 2027, has also denied having any secret talks with Ruto or his Kenya Kwanza government.

“Although I am in the opposition, I am a crusader of development and we will continue to execute our role as we wait for God’s time,” he is further quoted.

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