Home Politics Sakaja’s Final Nail On His Coffin Prepared As Teams University Leaks Other Details

Sakaja’s Final Nail On His Coffin Prepared As Teams University Leaks Other Details

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Nairobi Senator and Kenya Kwanza gubernatorial aspirant Johnson Sakaja’s bid is in limbo as Ugandan Teams University has issued fresh details on e-learning courses.

According to the letter dated 8th November 2022, Teams University was cleared by National Council for Higher Education, to offer e-learning in 2020.

“I am pleased to inform you that after due consideration, The National Council for Higher Education has granted you permission to roll out emergency ODel for the attached programme; I wish to remind you that under section 3(c) of the Guidelines for the adoption of the emergency ODel, the permission is valid for 12 months or the duration of the COVID-19 crisis as will be determined by the relevant authorities. However, you may apply for renewal of the permission at least two months before the expiry of the 12 months period if necessary” reads the letter.


The above letter quashes Sakaja’s claims of having obtained the Bachelor of Science in Management degree after attending online courses at the institution. According to Sakaja, he acquired the degree in 2016 from Teams University, when during the aforesaid time, he was a full-time MP.

The debate revolving around Sakaja’s academic credentials escalated after four petitioners lodged a case with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Disputes Resolutions Committee seeking to block Sakaja from participating in the August 9 contest for allegedly obtaining a University degree falsely.

Evans Kaita, Dennis Gakuo, Alex Abere and Timothy Ayieko petitioned with Tribunal Disputes claiming that Sakaja doesn’t hold a valid university degree.

“…Wherefore the complainant prays that it be determined that the said Johnson Arthur Sakaja does not meet the statutory and mandatory qualifications for elections as the county governor candidate,” Kaita says.
“In consequence, we implore that IEBC recalls and or revokes the certificate of clearance issued to Sakaja.” The tribunal gave Sakaja until today noon to file his response to the allegations.

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