Home News Loss of Confidence? Ruto Directs Nyoro To Solve Passports Nightmare After Kindiki’s Failure, Public Outcry

Loss of Confidence? Ruto Directs Nyoro To Solve Passports Nightmare After Kindiki’s Failure, Public Outcry

by Dave
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President William Ruto has directed Kiharu MP Hon. Ndindi Nyoro to collaborate with Interior Principal Secretary Gerald Bitok to address the persistent passport issuance crisis in Kenya. This directive comes amidst a growing public outcry over delays and inefficiencies at the Department of Immigration Services, traditionally overseen by the Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki.

The move has sparked widespread speculation, with political analysts suggesting that the President’s decision may stem from intelligence reports alleging that CS Kindiki has been compromised by cartels operating within Nyayo House, where identification documents are processed. Others interpret this as a strategic test for Hon. Ndindi Nyoro, gauging his potential for higher responsibilities, possibly hinting at a future Deputy President role.

The passport debacle has been a thorn in the side of many Kenyans, with long queues and extended waiting periods becoming the norm. The President’s intervention signals a loss of confidence in the current mechanisms and a decisive step towards reforming the system. Hon. Ndindi Nyoro, though not part of the executive branch, is known for his assertive approach to problem-solving, which many believe could bring the much-needed change to the beleaguered department.

As Kenyans await the outcome of this unexpected collaboration, questions linger about the implications for CS Kindiki’s future and the internal dynamics of the ruling administration. The President’s directive has undoubtedly set the stage for a significant overhaul of the passport issuance process, with the hope of restoring public trust in the government’s ability to deliver essential services efficiently.

This development is a clear message that President Ruto is willing to take unconventional routes to address administrative bottlenecks. The nation now watches with bated breath as Hon. Ndindi Nyoro takes on this formidable challenge, with the success or failure of this initiative likely to have far-reaching consequences for the country’s leadership landscape.

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