Home Politics “IEBC Wants to Steal Raila’s Votes In ODM Strongholds” Oparanya Fires At Chebukati After Postponing Gubernatorial Election in Kakamega, Mombasa

“IEBC Wants to Steal Raila’s Votes In ODM Strongholds” Oparanya Fires At Chebukati After Postponing Gubernatorial Election in Kakamega, Mombasa

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Deputy Party leader Wickliffe Oparanya has accused Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission over alleged plot to rig election in favour of Azimio – One Kenya opponents especially in Chungwa strongholds.

Issuing a statement after the electoral commission postponed gubernatorial election in Kakamega and Mombasa counties, Raila’s perceived hotbeds, Oparanya claimed that Chebukati is driven by the motive to steal Raila Odinga’s votes in the aforementioned counties.

“IEBC decision to suspend gubernatorial elections in Kakamega and Mombasa counties is a scheme to rig the elections” said Oparanya.


Wickliffe Oparanya

He also lamented that the coalition had invested a lot of resources in campaigning in the regions while IEBC showcases its unpreparedness to conduct election with less than 12 hours remaining to general election.

“The announcement has shocked us considering the amount of resources and time we have put in campaigns and shows how unprepared the IEBC is to conduct free, democratic and fair elections” added Oparanya.

He argued that postponing gubernatorial elections in home turfs of two ODM deputy party leaders would affect the voter turnout towards Raila’s candidature.

“I question why they had to stop gubernatorial elections in Azimio presidential candidate Rt Hon Raila Odinga’s strongholds and backyards of two key ODM deputy Party Leaders. I am fearing that the move will affect voter turnout in the two counties that Raila was banking on for numbers that will propel him to victory” he stated.

Oparanya added that the announcement threatens to plunge the country into chaotic situation following IEBC negligence ahead of tomorrow’s general election.

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“The announcement has caused tension in the county and can cause chaos if not handled well. Despite the set back I call on our supporters to turn out in large numbers tomorrow and vote for Azimio candidates and also be calm and maintain peace as the matter is being handled. They have only delayed our victory but it is still ours for the taking” Oparanya claimed.

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