Home Politics “Kitendawili Alichanganyikiwa Akachukuwa Mama Eti Running Mate” Ruto Launches Fresh Political War With Azimio

“Kitendawili Alichanganyikiwa Akachukuwa Mama Eti Running Mate” Ruto Launches Fresh Political War With Azimio

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Deputy President William Ruto has launched bruise political attacks at Azimio – One Kenya presidential candidate Raila Odinga for picking Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua for running mate position.

Ruto alleged that Raila picked Karua out of confusion after being tipped that Kenya Kwanza brigade had lined-up plans for economic resuscitation and creation of millions of jobs to unemployed youths across the country.

“Our opponents got confused.They heard our program is about mama mboga(women Empowerment), out of confusion they picked one woman (Karua). Our platform of economic liberalization and revival was not targeting one woman, but millions of Mama Mbogas and Hustlers.” Said Ruto

He also dismissed Karua’s candidature citing that Kenya’s economy will be built through mechanisms of empowering small scale business owners and local traders that will inturn create job opportunities to unemployed youths.

“We are speaking the language of empowerment to local traders and small businesses. Our opponents are thinking of creating powers to few individuals. They thought our agenda was to create positions and thta is why they rushed to nominate Karua” added Ruto.

Ruto’s dismissal on Martha Karua’s nomination for running mate comes barely a week after Raila snubbed Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s candidature and settled on Karua.

Defiant Kalonzo walked out of Azimio – One Kenya coalition and affirmed to vie for the country’# top seat on Wiper party ticket.

Kalonzo picked Narok senator aspirant Andrew Sunkuli as his unnecessary mate for presidency.

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