Home Politics Itumbi Alleges New Trick By Uhuru To End Ruto’s Presidential Dream

Itumbi Alleges New Trick By Uhuru To End Ruto’s Presidential Dream

According to Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi, cabinet secretaries are at the center of this plan.

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Deputy President William Ruto’s online strategist, Dennis Itumbi, has alleged that the Kenyan Cabinet approved a clandestine stimulus project for the Cabinet Secretaries to kick off vigorous campaign exercises across the country to popularize Raila Odinga’s presidency.

According to Itumbi, the CSs have been tasked to dispatch massive land titles while flanked by ODM affiliates to impart a perceived sense of ODM spearheading the issuance of title deeds to thousands of land owners across the country

“The Government Project that will see Cabinet Secretaries dispatched Countrywide on two main assignments with an ODM messaging. The first assignment is a Massive Land Title distribution that will have a CS and ODM political affiliates and the message will be the process was completed by ODM” said Itumbi.


CS Fred Matiang’i

He also alleged that the government had allocated ksh1B for food security operation that is slated to kick off on 15/7/2022, especially in Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Isiolo, Turkana, West Pokot and Baringo. Food distribution exercise will be manned by the Cabinet Secretaries and Raila’s ODM affiliates.

Baringo senator Gideon Moi has reportedly been tasked to ostensibly woo and and cajole votes for Raila Odinga’s candidature in Baringo county.

“In Baringo, the food secure areas are benefitting, through Gideon Moi, ostensibly to woo, sway and cajole votes” added Itumbi.

“After the Cabinet Approval, distribution has been delayed so as to stitch a Political programme into the Relief programme. The Relief food distribution programme has been handed to ODM affiliated politicians” reads the Facebook post.

Every Cabinet Secretary has been assigned to popularize Raila’s presidency in their respective rural turfs.

“Interestingly, every CS has been allocated their home Counties. But in Nyanza, Education CS Magoha has been handed the role. Interior Security CS Fred Matiang’i has been sent to Nakuru to deal with ” Susan Kihika” and Ukur Yatani West Pokot, Turkana, Isiolo, Wajir and Marsabit as a platform to woo pastoral community. Munya is assigned to Meru & Laikipia”

Itumbi wrote

This lately moves by the government to assign CS campaign roles for Azimio – One Kenya depicts Uhuru’s decision to unveil final nail on Ruto’s political coffin ahead of next election.

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