Home News New Twist Statehouse Aide Exposes Who’s Sponsoring Doctor’s Strike

New Twist Statehouse Aide Exposes Who’s Sponsoring Doctor’s Strike

Doctors Strike Takes New Twist After Mutahi Ngunyi alleged a powerful politico is behind the strike

by Dave
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In a dramatic revelation, a Statehouse aide has come forward with accusations that the ongoing doctors’ strike in Kenya is being orchestrated by a political entity. The claim has sparked a firestorm on social media, with political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi weighing in on the controversy.

Ngunyi’s tweet, which has since gone viral, reads: “This Doctors Strike has a Political mastermind. Doctors Political IQ is below the level of Stupid. WHY? These doctors performed brain surgery on the wrong patient. Then they cut off the leg of a wrong Guy Can these quacks be this organized? Zero. Who is the sponsor? Iko Kitu!”

Political analyst Prof Mutahi Ngunyi gestures during a past media interview

Political analyst Prof Mutahi Ngunyi gestures during a past media interview

The tweet suggests that the medical professionals, who have recently been under scrutiny for high-profile medical errors, are being used as pawns in a larger political game. The term “Iko Kitu” implies that there is more to the situation than meets the eye.

The doctors’ union has yet to respond to these allegations, but the public outcry has been swift. Citizens are demanding transparency and accountability, not only from the medical community but also from those who may be manipulating the situation for political gain.

The strike, which has seen healthcare services across the country grind to a halt, has been a point of contention, with the government and doctors’ union locked in a stalemate over pay and working conditions. The new twist of a possible political motive adds another layer of complexity to the already tense situation.

KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atella (centre) flanked by Dr Kahura Mundia (right) and Dr Malindi Chao.

KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atella (centre) flanked by Dr Kahura Mundia (right) and Dr Malindi Chao.

As the debate rages on, the Kenyan public awaits further developments. The question on everyone’s mind is: Who stands to benefit from the disruption of the healthcare system, and what does this mean for the future of medical practice in Kenya?

Authorities are calling for calm and urging all parties to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve the crisis. Meanwhile, the identity of the alleged political sponsor remains shrouded in mystery.

Stay with us for more updates on this developing story.

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