Home Analysis Commission for University Education Revokes Sakaja’s Team University Degree Recognition

Commission for University Education Revokes Sakaja’s Team University Degree Recognition

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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The Commission of University Education Committee chaired by professor Chacha Nyaigoti has revoked recognition of Senator Johnson Sakaja’s Team University degree pending thorough scrutiny into the legislator’s academic credentials.

“The Commission for University Education has received material information about the authenticity of the degree you (Sakaja) presented from Team University that will require further investigation to ascertain the validity of the said degree certificate. Consequently, in accordance to the Commission for University Education recognition procedures, we hereby revoke the recognition of your degree – Bachelor of Science in Management (External) frok the aforementioned university” Commission for University Education chairperson Professor Chacha Nyaigoti addressed the senator through a letter.

Chacha also issued the letter to Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati and Minister for Education professor George Magoha.

Sakaja’s academic credentials ignited debates after four petitioners lodged cases at Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Disputes Resolution Committee chaired by Willis Otieno, seeking the commission to revoke Sakaja’s clearance certificate for allegedly obtaining University degree falsely.

According to Gakuru Wahome, Sakaja has been full time legislator and didn’t attend classes for Bachelor of Science in Management at Teams University in Uganda to earn him a genuine degree.

He argued that Sakaja procured the aforesaid degree illegally.

Sakaja’s fate is set to be determined today, Wednesday, 15th June, 2022 by the Commission’s Tribunal.

Sakaja has been on record claiming that he graduated from The University of Nairobi in Actuarial Science. However, UoN Deputy vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Julius Ogeng’o, wrote a letter to Director o Criminal Investigations (DCI) informing that Sakaja enrolled at the institution in 2003 to pursue Actuarial Science but didn’t complete his studies.

If cleared, Sakaja will face off former Equity Bank corporate executive and  Azimio – One Kenya Candidate Polycap Igathe and Independent candidate Agnes Kagure for the city hall contest.

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