Home Politics Celebrations Kick off In Kondele As Excited Crowds Barricade Roads

Celebrations Kick off In Kondele As Excited Crowds Barricade Roads

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Tension has intensified in Kondele as charged mob has started barricading roads awaiting the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati.

While triggering dances and hauling  around Kondele roundabout, the excited crowd chanted “Baba The 5th” slogans, as they nearly closed the busy road.

“Baba the 5th, Raila the 5th” the filled the air with chants.

This comes after the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) called Kenyans to uphold utmost peace after the announcement of the presidential results.

Sрeаking Mоndаy during а televised аddress NСIС сhаirрersоn Sаmuel Kоbiа саlled оn Kenyаns tо remаin рeасeful irresрeсtive оf their роlitiсаl inсlinаtiоn.

Kоbiа further аррeаled tо eleсtiоn winners tо be mаgnаnimоus аnd reасh асrоss the divide tо mаke рeасe аnd fоrge а wаy fоrwаrd.

“This аlsо аррlies tо the сitizenry. Let us аll be mаgnаnimоus аnd аррreсiаte the раin we аll feel when we lоse. Let us nоt insult eасh оther оr glоаt unneсessаrily оver the оthers. we аre аll in оne nаtiоn саlled Kenyа,” he sаid.

NCIC boss Mr Kobia

He urged election losers to accept the will of the people and concede defeat rather than heightening tension by refuting the electoral results.

The former prime minister Raila Odinga and his main challenger in the presidential contest have already assured to concede defeat to whoever will be declared a winner in the just concluded general election.

The Agano party leader David Waihiga Mwaure on Sunday conceded defeat in a televised press conference and congratulated whoever will be president-elect.

The Roots Party presidential candidate George Luchiri Wajackoyah and Agano Party’s David Waihiga Mwaure have already arrived at Bomas of Kenya awaiting for the announcement of the presidential results.

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Constitutionally, if the leading candidate will not attain 50+1 per cent, Kenyans will be forced to vote for the two leading candidates in the previous election within 30 days after the declaration.

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