Home Politics “Bring The Money In Kenyatta Family Offshore Accounts To Kenya” Mudavadi Directly Hits At Uhuru Kenyatta

“Bring The Money In Kenyatta Family Offshore Accounts To Kenya” Mudavadi Directly Hits At Uhuru Kenyatta

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Amani National Congress (ANC) party boss Musalia Mudavadi has unleashed attacking missiles directed at president Uhuru Kenyatta over alleged billions of money in Kenyatta family’s offshore accounts.

Speaking during Kenya Kwanza rally in Cheptais, Kakamega, Mudavadi faulted Uhuru Kenyatta for allegedly stashing billions of shillings in the family’s offshore accounts instead of returning the money into the country that could boost the economy and create thousands of jobs to unemployed youths.

“As he signs a deal to have that money repatriated from Switzerland to Kenya, let him also ensure that money in offshore accounts associated with his family is returned,” said Musalia in Cheptais.

He said if the money is brought back to the country, it will boost the economy and create many job opportunities.

Hitting at Uhuru for allegedly being biased in dealing with graft cases and the implementation of his development, Mudavadi argued that Uhuru’s Jubilee government didn’t fairly enforce development projects to other regions apart from Central region. He said that the president had confessed during the Sagana meeting that half of the roads done during his tenure were in Central Kenya.

“If Odinga is saying he is coming to follow the footsteps of Uhuru it means he will only concentrate development in his region which is not good for the country,” said Musalia.

Mudavadi and Wetangula also promised to deliver more than 90 per cent to Kenya Kwanza Alliance vote basket. Dismissing the alleged condition of delivering 70 per cent votes from Mulembe region  to secure 30 per of hustler nation government, Mudavadi said that the duo delivered 99 per cent of Luhya votes to Raila’s presidency and nothing would block them  casting the same to Ruto.

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