Home Politics Just A Few Months After Being Heckled In Raila’s Village, Wanjigi Stings Back In Style

Just A Few Months After Being Heckled In Raila’s Village, Wanjigi Stings Back In Style

Wanjigi takes campaigns to Raila's political bedroom

by Mambo Mseto Editor
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Jimi Wanjigi took his campaign to Raila Odinga’s Siaya backyard. On Sunday morning, a video went viral showing the top politician being resurrected by his followers in the region under very tight security. Taking to social media, the business mogul expressed his gratitude to his followers for showing up in huge numbers to greet him and his entourage.

This comes months after he was attacked in the same Siaya county while trying to address the crowd from the top of a four-wheel-drive vehicle’s sunroof when young people began throwing stones at him. Wanjigi had barely finished speaking to ODM delegates in Siaya town when youths blocked his convoy, chanting “give us something,” until riot police arrived and restored order.

Wanjigi’s motorcade rushed away as the youths scurried for safety during the melee, but the Sunday event appeared to be different, as he was greeted warmly this time. The news comes only days after the billionaire announced Willis Otieno, a former Raila aide, as his running mate.

Raila’s campaign manager during the 2017 general election was Otieno, a lawyer by profession. Wanjigi is claimed to have been one of the former Prime Minister’s top financiers at the time. Wanjigi entered the presidential race for 2022 in 2021. He joined the ODM in the hopes of using it as a political vehicle to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.

After being roughed up in Kasarani Stadium in December 2021, when Raila was officially declaring his presidential run for 2022, he would later decamp from the party. Wanjigi found a new home with former Kabete MP Paul Muite’s Safina party. The “ark” organization recently gave him the green light to run for president.

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