Home News Reel Analytics Boss Andrew Akeye Reportedly On The Run After Attack On Ugandan Dignitaries

Reel Analytics Boss Andrew Akeye Reportedly On The Run After Attack On Ugandan Dignitaries

Andrew Akeye reportedly caused a fracas at a Nairobi hotel where the Ugandan dignitaries were, resulting in a standoff for hours before anti-terror police intervened

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The Chief Executive Officer of Reels Analytics, Mr. Andrew Akeye, has reportedly gone in the wind after an ugly incident over the weekend that eventually drew the attention of the anti-terror police.

Akeye reportedly disrupted a private function hosted by the Ugandan Embassy at the Qaribu Inn Hotel, Waiyaki way. The event, graced by several dignitaries including the Ugandan Ambassador and a minister from the Ugandan government, descended into chaos when Andrew Akeye, heavily intoxicated and with a history of abusive behavior, attempted to barge into the venue.

Akeye, who is reportedly notorious in his Waterfront estate neighborhood for his drunken and abusive demeanor towards neighbors, created a significant disturbance.

The embassy’s security managed to eject him from the exclusive diplomatic event, but in revenge, he used two vehicles to block the hotel’s main entrance. Efforts to defuse the situation were futile as Andrew Akeye’s behavior escalated to hostile, abusive, and violent levels.

The presence of international dignitaries, who were held hostage for hours from 8 PM to almost midnight at the event, elevated the threat, leading to the intervention of the anti-terror police.

The ensuing physical confrontation with Andrew highlighted the risks posed by individuals in positions of power who struggle with alcoholism.

The situation not only caused immediate security concerns but also potentially strained diplomatic relations between Kenya and Uganda.

Following the incident, Andrew has gone into hiding, prompting a police manhunt for him.

The police are making concerted efforts to locate him, as concerns grow over the implications of his actions on the corporate and diplomatic spheres in Kenya.

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