Home Politics Governor Abdulswamad Scoffs At Ruto Over Plans To Privatize Mombasa Port

Governor Abdulswamad Scoffs At Ruto Over Plans To Privatize Mombasa Port

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Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has protested alleged plan by President William Ruto’s government to privatise the port of Mombasa.

Nasir in a message to President Ruto’s government said they will not allow any plan to sell the port of Mombasa.

“Hatuwezi kubebwa kifalafala na Bandari. Ni Lazima tujue feasibility gani iliyofanywa kuonyesha hii Bandari ya kuwa leo wanataka kuibinafsisha. Kwa nini wasiende kubinafsisha Kenya Airways ili ndege Nyingine ziweze kuingia hapa Mombasa,” Abdulswamad said.

“Tukitaka kuzungumza habari ya Kenya airways kutua Mombasa wanasema inaangaliwa. Lakini leo wanataka kubinafsisha Kenya Ports Authority.”

He went on to say he has received advances urging him to slow down on his criticism of the plan but maintained that he will remain put and oppose the privatisation of the port.

“Kama viongozi tumekaa chini, na tena tunawaita. Hatuwaiti tuje kwenu; tunawaita mje kwetu. Mkuje mtuambia hizi fununu tunazisikia kuhusu kubinafisishwa kwa port ya Mombasa, what is the take of Mombasa in all these transactions,” Nassir fired.

“Hawa watu wa Mombasa hawawezi kubebwa kiholekiholela.Haiwezekani. We will master the voice of the people against the voice of dictatorship in this country. Never, never, never ever take us for granted.”

The governor warned that privatisation of the port will lead to the loss of job opportunities for local youths.

He said leaders in Western Kenya have united to oppose plans to privatise sugar millers in the region, a unity he said Mombasa leaders should emulate and reject the planned privatisation of the port.

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