The Agnes Kagure Foundation (AKFO), spearheaded by renowned city tycoon Agnes Kagure, has launched an ambitious roadmap aimed at fostering inclusive development in 2025.
Known for her relentless efforts in community empowerment, Kagure has once again set the bar high with innovative programs designed to create opportunities for all, especially the youth.
During the unveiling of AKFO’s 2025 strategy, Kagure highlighted the foundation’s focus on creating platforms for innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthening mentorship programs for boys and girls, and equipping young people with the skills needed to thrive in a competitive world.
“I’m impressed by the clear plan at AKFO of making 2025 a year of inclusive development. When we empower everyone, we pave the way for better days ahead filled with possibilities for all. Let’s make it happen!” Kagure stated.
As the brain behind the foundation, Agnes Kagure has been instrumental in rolling out empowerment programs across Nairobi, a move that has endeared her to many residents.
Her focus on addressing real community challenges has left Nairobians yearning for more of her impactful initiatives.
The foundation’s key focus areas include setting up innovation hubs to nurture creativity and entrepreneurship while ensuring mentorship programs cater to the unique needs of both boys and girls. By prioritising inclusivity, AKFO aims to equip individuals with the tools necessary to lead sustainable and successful lives.
Agnes Kagure’s efforts continue to resonate strongly with Nairobians, who view her as a visionary leader dedicated to fostering a prosperous and equitable society. As AKFO implements its 2025 agenda, the foundation is poised to leave a lasting legacy in Nairobi and beyond.