Home Politics Will Kamba Region Vote For Raila If Kalonzo Exits Azimio – One Kenya?

Will Kamba Region Vote For Raila If Kalonzo Exits Azimio – One Kenya?

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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His Excellency Senior Counsel Hon. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka a political giant of our time.
A former Vice President and politician of no mean repute.

His Excellency Kalonzo Musyoka is a leader of a huge political party called Wiper. It’s symbol is Umbrella . Hon.Kalonzo Musyoka is a leader of a Coalition called One Kenya Alliance.

Kalonzo Musyoka led his former compatriots, Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya party leader Moses Wetangula to walk out of NASA leaving Raila with an egg on the face.

His Excellency Senior Counsel later on joined Raila Odinga on his own volition but has been issuing ultimatums and threatening hailstorm should Raila Odinga even think about naming someone else his running mate.

It’s important to note for the last 321 days, 93 hrs and 50 minutes Hon. Raila Odinga has never mentioned Kalonzo Musyoka in good it bad faith.
Raila Odinga is a leader of a political party registered with equal amount as that of Wiper.

Kalonzo Musyoka this morning is threatening brimstone on Raila Odinga.

If the ongoing speculations about Kalonzo’s exit from Azimio – One Kenya will become reality, then Raila stands higher chances of losing Kamba votes to DP Ruto.


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