Home Politics Kalonzo’s Man Enock Wambua Breaks Silence On Why He Snubbed Azimio Advisory Panel’s Presser on Wednesday

Kalonzo’s Man Enock Wambua Breaks Silence On Why He Snubbed Azimio Advisory Panel’s Presser on Wednesday

Senator Enock Wambua skips Azimio - One Kenya press

by Sir Wabwire Jr
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Kitui Senator and Wiper party Kalonzo Musyoka’s de-facto spokesperson Enock Wambua today, Thursday, 12th May, 2022 snubed nondescript committee of Azimio – One Kenya advisory panel presser despite being a member of the committee that was tasked to evaluate and propose a suitable candidate for Raila Odinga’s running mate position.

Speaking to Star, Wambua hinted that he skipped Azimio – One Kenya crucial presser to attend a delegation meeting of students from his county at Parliament

“There is a visiting delegation of students and teachers in the Senate from a school in my county. These kids would really have been disappointed not to hear from their senator on the floor of the Senate,” Wambua told star.

Azimio – One Kenya advisory panel chairman Noah Wekesa noted that Wambua left the committee to aggressively concentrate on his campaign schedule for his bid to defend Kitui senatorial seat.

“All of us remaining here are not candidates. He (Wambua) left us for his political engagements considering that he is participating in the elections” Noah Wekesa.

Wambua was intriguingly appointed in the nondescript committee to clearly chart the interest of Wiper party boss Kalonzo Musyoka.

According to the reports as suggested by the advisory panel, Kalonzo, Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua and former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth are battling for principal assistant in Azimio – One Kenya coalition.

KANU Secretary General Fredrick Okango also hinted that Kalonzo, Karua and Peter Kenneth are the only remaining candidates wrestling for deputy position in Azimio.

“Our candidate Raila Odinga has a constitutional duty to nominate one person out of the three (SKM, MK and PK) who qualified for nomination for election as president as president, as a candidate for deputy president” said Okango on twitter.

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